About Us

Welker Property Management, Inc. was formed out of Denniston Welker Realtors, Inc. which was established in 1982, due to needs of current clients. The business was expanded to include a property management and commercial leasing division. Now Welker Property Management, Inc. operates as its own corporation. Welker Property Management, Inc. is large enough to serve all your needs, yet small enough to give you personalized service
Mark Welker, 1942-2021 Former President/Founder of Welker Property Management, Inc. Mark had over forty years in the real estate industry. Mark was an original Partner in Denniston Welker Realtors formed in 1982. Mark has extensive knowledge in all facets of Real Estate Sales, Leasing, and Development.
Craig Welker, President and Senior Property Manager for the company. Craig is a graduate of St. John Fisher College. Craig is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company and works a great deal with commercial leasing. Craig has over twenty-eight years in the property management field and over twenty years in Senior Housing Management.
Craig Welker
Craig Welker is the Vice President and Senior Property Manager for the company.